Friday, December 6, 2013

Yulissa's second SNG after birthday :-)

After the confusion with Yulissa's SNG and Nicolle's donation, the good thing was that there were two donations made to Yulissa and that meant two letters from her.
The Birthday SNG is already updated. And this is the second letter that I got from her :)

The main reason for this SNG was the mattress that she had been needing for sometime. And thankfully she got it.

Yulissa's Comments - "I really thank you for all the support you have given me, me and my family always pray for your well being, I hope to meet you someday and give you a big hug for being so good with me"

And now for her sweet letter as always - 
"Dear donor,
I can't thank you enough for the mattress I received thanks to you because the one I used to have had the bedsprings coming out. Thanks to your donation I also got other things for me and a detail for my cousins and siblings, something little but they will love it. The greatest thing is that you care about me. Soon will be Christmas and I wish you the best. Happy holidays! Thanks and I say goodbye!
Thanks for being part of my life!
As always she writes beautiful letters. She also had a nice drawing in the back of the letter. Have already replied to her. Can't wait for her letters again :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Maria's latest reply Oct 2013

So the last of the mails from CI for this week :)
I got the latest reply from my latest kid Yokary Maria. She is 16 and soon to be 17th :) She answered all my questions as expected.. So here is the letter -  :)
"Hello Dear Mani!!
I am fine and how about you? My parents and siblings are fine. You can call me how you like the most. (I was not sure if I should call her Yokary or Maria :)). I am very happy because on September 28th is my graduation from high school. Next month I will register at college. How is your family? Sorry they are so far. I like to watch cartoons too and to read. My family is so big. My father has 8 brothers and a sister, my mother has 5 brothers and 4 sisters, all of them are very happy. Take care. 
Thanks for everything you do for me!.
You sponsored child,
Yokary Maria"

I will hold on before writing her a reply. She is celebrating her birthday tomorrow (Nov 7th). Will wait for that SNG reply and then write her a letter.

Yulissa's birthday SNG reply and more :-)

A good week it was and not all was as I feared before... Initially when I blogged about Nicolle's b'day SNG i mentioned that even Yulissa's b'day fund was put up with Nicolle. After mailing the CI team I found out that it was only wrongly updated in the site but it was divided correctly and Yulissa did get her b'day gifts on time :). That wasa huge relief. True to their word, I received the mails a week later. I got the b'day SNG reply and also a letter probably written before that :).
Also in all this fiasco, I sent her another SNG thinking she did not get her b'day gift. So looking fwd to one more letter next week ;)
So the SNG details first - 
"Child or family's comments on SNG - Yulissa says - 'Thank you sponsor for all the support that you give me, I did love to meet you someday and personally thank you for all this.'
Benefits to the family - It is of great help since the mother is only working twice a week so it's a great support for Yulissa and her family. (Yulissa father was paralysed due to some accident a year ago I believe)
And the exciting part - the actual letter - 
Dear Sponsor,
I want to thank you for all your support, it was very helpful. Thanks for caring for me; on my birthday, I had a cake and my aunt gave me a purse she made with raffia. With your donation I was able to get clothes and groceries for me and my family. Also some shampoo and some detail for my siblings. I say bye and thank you for all, goodbye for now.
Thanks for being part of my life.

Also as always, there were photos too. :)

This is not the end of it... I also got another letter from her :)
"Dear Mani
I am glad to greet you. My dad is better. On vacations I had fun with my family. By the way, I loved seeing your pictures and your friends'. I did like you to come. My siblings and my mom are fine and my little brother is fine because he is starting kindergarten. Say hello to your friends, they seem to be good persons. Goodbye and thank you so much. See you soon. 

Her drawings are a stark contrast to Nicolle.. She always prefers the light colors... I love both their drawings so much :). So here is a Yulissa's special ;)

Nicolle's latest letter Oct 2013

A good day again as I got a bunch of letters. I am also playing catch up with other letters... The first one is from Nicolle... She is such a sweetheart as always. This letter was actually written before her b'day SNG I believe. So here goes... 
"Greetings Dear Mani
I wish that when you get this letter, you are in good health. I am very happy that you like my letters and my drawings, that I did with so much affection. I tell you that my mother and my siblings, we are doing well thanks God. I will spend a happy birthday along with my family and friends. I am very happy that you sent me a photo along with your friends and that you visit your family to India, because that makes you happy. When you visit them, give my greetings to them, because I keep you in my heart too.
I say goodbye with so much affection. May God bless you today and forever.
And another good part of the letter (apart from the actual letter itself :)) is that her drawings are back. I missed her drawing in the birthday SNG reply... As always, I lover her use of dark and bold colors... See for yourself :)...


Monday, October 7, 2013

Nicolle's SNG and Birthday reply - Sep 2013

A mixed day today... While I am super happy as I finally got Nicolle's SNG and b'day gifts reply, I also figured out that Yulissa did not get any gifts on her birthday because of a mixup :(. I have sent her a belated gift now. Hopefully I will get an update soon... 
Now for the happy part again... Nicolle sent another sweet letter as always. Also to note, I did not get any reply to the letter I sent. I either got this faster because I sent an SNG or this might be treated as a reply to my letter as well, I am not sure... Anyways, to the SNG reply and the sweet letter
But firdt up for one more time...
I had sent the SNG as well as extra for her b'day. (SNG Details)
They got the stuffs mentioned in the SNG and also a nice cake for Nicolle. The family was happy and that makes me happy :) And now to the super sweet reply :)
"Greetings Dear Mani,
I greet you cordially, wishing you are in good health along with your dear ones. I thank you for what you sent me. May God bless you and your family. I thank you for the cake, shoes, clothing, refrigerator, bed, fan. I loved all the stuffs. Thanks for all the blessings you give me, because I know that not all the children get this. I feel very lucky to have you as my sponsor. Thanks!
I say goodbye, who loves you so. 
Your sponsored Child,

And for the super cool b'day pic. I loved this pic the best from the lot. She seems so happy :)
She sure is stylish, isn't she? ;)

And as always, her bold coloring. Ah, how I missed it :)


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Suman's latest reply Sep - 2013

Got Suman's latest reply just last week. A letter from him has been due for sometime now. One of the first kids I decided to sponsor, he always has a special place in my heart :). Also he is celebrating his birthday later this month :) Here is the sweet letter he wrote..
"Dear Mr...
I am very happy to write to you after a long gap. Hope all of you are well. We are well. Now I study in grade 4. I like to go to school. Our school teachers are very  good. They love me. And I also like them. Please write me about your school (I did not tell him I am in a school :) and I am not :P) Thank you very much for your help.
Yours lovingly
I didn't get any drawing this time around. But let me tell you that he is an amazing artist... When I saw him couple of years back, he had a note full of amazing drawings :)


Friday, August 23, 2013

Kulsum's letter - August 2013

I received Kulsum's latest letter this weekend. She is one of those sweet kids whom I met and conversed comfortably as she knew Hindi :). Another sweet letter from her...
"Dear Mani,
Hello! My family and I are fine here and I hope you are also well. I thank you for helping me and for fulfilling my needs. I study in grade 8. My first unit test is now over and I will get good marks in all my subjects. Summer has ended here and rainy season has now started. I went to my aunt's house during the summer holidays and enjoyed there a lot. I am now preparing for my  second unit test. I am trying to promote from grade 8 to grade 9.
Yours loving child,
She is studying real hard. Her mom really understand how hard it is to survive and how important education is for her daughters to get thru. I wish her all the best with her studies and wish her to get good grades. Cant wait to see her next year again :)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Maria's first letter :)

Yokary is my latest kid. After Kanika moved out of the program, I was searching for an elder kid and found her. She is from The Dominican Republic, And finally I received her first letter along with Yulissa's and Nicolle's. Here is the letter - 
"Hello dear Mr. Sukumar,
Dear sponsor, I am writing this letter to thank you for choosing me as your sponsored child. I am a very studious child. I like to spend time with my friends. I like to go to church and to the park. I am 16 years old. I am at senior high school. I will go to college next year. I want to study to be a medical representative. I love my parents and my siblings so much. I love hanging out with them because they are very cheerful as I am. This is all for now. Thank you so much for sponsoring me. God bless you so much and your family always. Thanks for everything you do for me. Your sponsored child.
Yokary Maria"
A mature letter as you would expect from a 16 year old. I somehow (luckily) end up with very studious ones. Can't wait for more letters from her. 
~ChEeRs :)

Nicolle's latest letter - July 2013

I finally got Nicolle's latest letter along with Yulissa's and Maria's. Such a sweet kid with yet another super cool letter.She also had a cool coloring... It has been a while and I missed seeing those bold colors :).. So here is the letter and the drawing - 
"Greetings Dear Mani Kordan (She mis-spelt it :))
I hope you are in good health along with your loved ones. After this brief greeting I pass to the following. First I want to give thanks to God for placing you in my way, I love to go out in the recess and go out with my friends to enjoy. We share many things since we also have our own group to do the homeworks. I tell you that I play to catch with my friends in the school and that we are celebrating the fair. I am very happy that we go out all together as a family. I say good bye with a hug and a kiss asking God that bless you. Your sponsored child
Ailing Nicolle"
That was a very nice letter and also answered all my questions from last time. I really wish to meet her some day...

Friday, July 26, 2013

Yulissa's latest letter - July 2013

A happy day as I got Yulissa's latest letter. I have to say this is the longest I have waited for a letter from Mexico. They always had a very good turnaround time with letters before. As long as Yulissa is doing good I am happy. Yet another sweet letter from my sweet Yulissa. She also had this sweet coloring on the back. Here is what she said - 
"Dear Sponsor Mani
Hello Mani, it is a pleasure to write you again. If I could I will write you every day. I am doing great because next month I will be in vacations. I will pass to sixth grade. I will be back to school on August; scholar(school I guess) period vacations are different than yours. I am doing great at school, I was about to be part of the scholar escort, but the professor told me that I am taller than my classmates.
I hope I can write you soon to tell you about my vacations, write you soon, goodbye.
Thanks for being part of my life
As always, her mails are really really sweet. Wish I could mail her all day too :). Some day... Some day I really wish I can go to Mexico and see her...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Welcoming Yokary Maria :-)

Yokary is my newest addition to the CI family. She is from Dominican Republic. She is 16. I chose her after Kanika had to leave the program. I initially thought of choosing a kid from Inida. But couldn't find any. But I am happy that I found Yokary as she surprisingly shares her b'day with one of friends. That makes 3 kids in my list. I promise that all three are coincidences :). Some information about her - 
She was born on Nov 7th. She is 5'5" and weighs about 110 pounds. She loves grammar and science and her favorite pass time is playing with dolls. She does general housework and sweeping at home and her talents include singing and dancing. She speaks Spanish. 
About her family, her father. Fredy is a laborer and her mother Rosanna is a homemaker. The approx. monthly income is $162. She has two sisters, Rosa Maria aged 13 and Yosmery aged 12. For home, they have a kitchen,two bedrooms with 3 beds and a dining room. The house has concrete walls and floors with corrugated metal roof. They have a Gas stove, running water in home. Electricity is available and they have toilet at home. 
So, all in all, the kid looks to be doing ok when compared to other kids. But I understand there are three kids to take care of and one at 16 already could be tough. I really hope I can help them in any way I can. 
Also Yokary looks very cheerful even in her older pics. I will try to share them some time... 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Nicolle's Special Needs request report from Honduras

I sent a SNG request for both Nicolle and Yulissa together and I was not surprised to get the replies together. Here is what the report said - 
"Regarding the sponsor's inquiry, the SOA is reporting that Ailing and her family ive in a rented house (as stated in the FR), reason why, it is not feasible to make any home repairs or improvements in this place and the agency wouldn't recommend it anyways. However, the child and her family have other special needs which could be covered by the sponsor. Please refer to the list detailed below.
1 Full bed (for Ailing
1 Refrigerator 8 feet
1 Fan
1 Food basket

Total: $550.01

The child is currently sharing a bed with another family member so, she would have a good rest having her own bed. Also they need a fan since the weather is warming up due to summer time and the family doesn't have a refrigerator to preserve their food so, this could be really useful for them in order to improve their living conditions."
That is close to what I estimated. A total of close to $1900 when you combine Nicolle and Yulissa's request. I believe I will be able to send out for Nicolle sooner than Yulissa though...


Yulissa's special needs request report from Mexico

I had sent a special needs request to Mexico office regarding any improvements that I can make for Yulissa. And they got back pretty quick... Here is what they had to say...
We talked to Yulissa's family and she told us that their main need is building a new room in their house. They would need:
6 sacks of cement
20 sacks of lime
500 blocks
3 beams of 4 meters each
100 bricks
3 meters of sand

Total $1,190

There would be no labor cost because Yulissa's grandfather is a bricklayer so he could build the room. The family also needs a wooden bed base($53.29) and a twin size mattress($94.39)
We understand that the sponsor wanted to know the family's main needs totaling $500 but we wanted to inform him about all their main needs.

Best regards,"
All in all, when I consider everythin, the overall total comes to around $1340. I am hoping I can send something, maybe, in a couple of months. So hoping.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Kulsum's profile & pic updated 2013

Its that time of the year again... Kulsum's profile pic was updated. I believe it was taken during her b'day SNG. But here it is - 
Also her profile was updated. I know this is a little late. But her favorite subject (language) and favourite pass time (playing with dolls) haven't changed in two years :). She has grown to 4' 11" which is a good thing. 
But not everything is good. Her family income has come down from 132$ to 80$. I believe it is mainly due to the fact that her mom is not working anymore. Also she is still using community latrine. I still can't forget when I visited her. She has one room and a very small area for a kitchen where the kids bathe too. Its a pretty hard life. I am thinking about SNG for her too.. But one at a time. Let me finish with Yulissa and Nicolle. And then to Kulsum.


Kulsum's Birthday SNG 2013

It was Kulsum's 15th birthday this March and I had sent her a SNG. I sure hope she had a good time. I finally go the report in April. So here goes :)
So here are some sweet photos and the beautiful letter she wrote - 

"Dear Sponsor,
My family and I are well and hope this letter finds you and your family in good health. With your extra donation we have bought large supplies of groceries, toiletries and health drink for our regular consumption. We have also bought pretty dolls for myself and my sister. Thank you for my b'day cake, it was lovely . Thank you so much for your love and care. Presently I am in grade 8 and I want to become a teacher when I grow up. Now, here the weather is warm and sunny. My family and I send you our love and best wishes.
Yours loving 
Kulsum Parveen"

She also drew a bright red kite in the back... Also her profile picture was updated :)... So a lot of good things. I hope I get to see her when I go to India again sometime next year.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Yulissa's first letter in 2013 :)

Happy Happy Happy day :). I got another letter from my sweet Yulissa... As always, she answers all my questions. Here s another super letter from her :)
"Dear Mani
Hello, I am also very happy to write to you. My father is doing better but he forgets things sometimes. My mother cuts my hair, but she is afraid of not doing it right. I have been doing well. I don't get sick often and I did well on vacations. I rested. I am happy to write to you. I have to say goodbye for now. Thank you for writing to me. 
Thank you for being part of my life, (That was printed)
Yulissa Sarahi"
And that was not all. As always, she also colors/draws well... there was a coloring at the back... The best thing that got me with that coloring was what she had written on the side.
She had written in English - "Welcome of House The Mani". She is the most adorable thing I have in my life... Here is a pic of the coloring - 


Nicolle's Letter - First of 2013 :)

It's that time again.. After a very very very long and patient wait (:P), I got a bunch of letters. And one of it being from my sweet Nicolle. So, without further a do, the sweet letter from her - 
"Greetings Dear Mr.Mani,
I wish that when you receive this letter you are in good health and along with your family. I am very happy to receive a correspondence and that makes me very happy. I tell you that I am going to fifth grade and I am spending happy vacations with my siblings, I am glad that your friend is getting married because that makes me happy and that you and your friends have affection for me. I wish that you spend a merry Christmas along with your family. God Bless you today and always.
Ailing Nicolle"
As always, there was also a sweet drawing on the back. I guess it was written before Christmas. She drew a beautiful house with the words 'Feliz Navidad' on the roof :). As always, you can see her bright use of colors... 
Here is the pic...

~Cheers :)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Suman's set of letters - Backlog!

I am just catching up with my Indian letters. It is like I am almost biased towards Nicolle and Yulissa that I haven't updated the Indian letters for a while. I am just catching up - 
The first letter is from Apr 2012. I will have to tell you that I don't get letters that frequently as I am used to from Mexico. 
"Dear Mani
I am feeling glad to write to you after a long time. It is spring now. The weather is very pleasant. Different kinds of seasonal flowers blooms in this season. We can also hear the sweet song of the cuckoos in spring. Bengali New Year day will be celebrated after few days. It is day of joy for the bengalees, schools and offices remains closed on this day. My school also remains closed. I am extremely thankful to you for your help.
There was one more letter in 2012. It was after my vacation. It had come sometime in October (before his b'day SNG). Here s the second one :)
"Dear Mani
Hope you are well. I am quite well with my family. I read in class 3. The worship of Goddess Durga will start soon. This is our greatest festival. My parents, uncle, maternal uncle and relatives buy new dress for me. Every afternoon I go out with my parents and make(have) lot of enjoyment all together.I visit many deities and ride on swing. The festive days are spent in merriment. Thank you very much for helping and supporting me. 
Surprisingly he has started to write very late. There were a couple of letters in between where he wrote one and then someone else wrote for him later. But good news is, that the last few letters have been from him (or from an adult who has a very bad handwriting :P).
I am hoping I can see in a year again ...

Kulsum's set of letters - Backlog and latest from 2013!

As is the case for Suman, I am still trying to catch up with the Indian letters. There are 3 letters from Kulsum that I am yet to catch up with... So without further a do - 
The first one was around Apr 2012 - 
"Dear Mani
Hello My family and I are fine here. I hope you are also well. Thank you for your love and care. I study in grade 7 and like to read English. My first unit test is over. I hope to get a good result. I wish to study and become a teacher. It is now summer season here and very hot. Sending you lot of love and awaiting your reply.
Yours loving child
The second letter was around October I guess. I had already visited her by then and was back from my vacation. Here it is- 
"Dear Mani
Hello! I am fine here and hope you are also fine. Thank you for your love and care. I study in grade 7 and like to read. My 4th unit test is over and it went very well. My final exam will be held soon and I am now busy preparing well for it. I wish to study and become a doctor. My favorite subject is English. It is also rainy season here. I like having bath in the rain. I miss you a lot. With love.
Yours loving child
And finally I am catching up with 2013... I got a letter from Kulsum last week :)
Just a reminder that I started sponsoring her for my friend and we had so much in common that I told my friend to sponsor another child :)
Did I ever tell you that she has an amazing handwriting? It is a shame that I can't read Urdu. Even in her drawing, she has written something in Urdu, which is not translated.
The third letter - 
"Dear Mani,
Hello! We are all fine here and hope you are all also well. I was very happy to get your card and stickers and liked it very much. My final exam is over and it went very well. I hope to pass to grade 8 with good marks. It is now winter season here and it is very cold. My family and I send you our love and regards and best wishes for Christmas and new year!
Yours loving child,
She had also drawn a house and written something. But I have no clue what it means. If any of you out there knows, what it means, help me :) The drawing - 


Kanika's set of letters - Backlogs, updates and more! :)

So.. Yet again... I am still catching up.. But this is the last of it... Got a lot of updates from Kanika.. A letter from last year, A SNG reply and a new letter this year.. Lets start with the letter from last year... This was after my visit to her place - 
"Dear Mani
Hope you are well. I am fine. My family also fine here. It is autumn season here. My programmes are held in our place. Durga puja is near. I will get new dress from my parents during puja. School will remain closed before puja. Pandals are built in our locality for the puja and idol as Goddess Durga are brought. I accompany my parents and friends for pandal hoping.  I enjoy a lot during the puja. I convey my love and thanks to you. I pray to God for you.
The second letter is the reply for the SNG i sent for her birthday. And here is why I really like this kid. All she got for her b'day was 8 months of private tuition and a woolen cardigan. Guess what she wanted for last b'day - School bag. And do you know what she wanted when we met her? Not a single toy. All she wanted was a school uniform.
I am amazed at her dedication and her priority for education above all other things kids her age crave for. I really hope she does well in her exams. Please pray for her.

Child's comments - I am happy to be provided with tuition support for my studies which I really needed. I thank you sponsor for your care.

Her SNG letter had this to say - 
"Dear Sponsor
How are you? My family and I are fine. I study in grade 10. I am very happy to have a sponsor like you. I am doing well in studies. With your financial assistance I will be provided with 8 months of private tuition support and that will be really beneficial for my studies. I have also purchased a cardigan which is keeping me warm in this winter season. I thank you for the useful gift and for taking care of my educational needs. I end with love and regards to you. 
Yours lovingly
What's SNG without photos... Here is one from the reply - 

And the final letter which I got recently (last week)
"Dear Mani
How are you? I am happy to get your letter. I am well with my family. My brother and I have passed. I have been promoted to grade 10. I will study more sincerely and will try to get good result. Thank you very much for your best wishes and greetings for my b'day and New Year. When you will visit India, please come to my house. Stay well. With love and thanks
That's about it for the letters and finally they are all done. I promise to be more regular with my updates going forward.