Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Maria's latest reply Oct 2013

So the last of the mails from CI for this week :)
I got the latest reply from my latest kid Yokary Maria. She is 16 and soon to be 17th :) She answered all my questions as expected.. So here is the letter -  :)
"Hello Dear Mani!!
I am fine and how about you? My parents and siblings are fine. You can call me how you like the most. (I was not sure if I should call her Yokary or Maria :)). I am very happy because on September 28th is my graduation from high school. Next month I will register at college. How is your family? Sorry they are so far. I like to watch cartoons too and to read. My family is so big. My father has 8 brothers and a sister, my mother has 5 brothers and 4 sisters, all of them are very happy. Take care. 
Thanks for everything you do for me!.
You sponsored child,
Yokary Maria"

I will hold on before writing her a reply. She is celebrating her birthday tomorrow (Nov 7th). Will wait for that SNG reply and then write her a letter.

Yulissa's birthday SNG reply and more :-)

A good week it was and not all was as I feared before... Initially when I blogged about Nicolle's b'day SNG i mentioned that even Yulissa's b'day fund was put up with Nicolle. After mailing the CI team I found out that it was only wrongly updated in the site but it was divided correctly and Yulissa did get her b'day gifts on time :). That wasa huge relief. True to their word, I received the mails a week later. I got the b'day SNG reply and also a letter probably written before that :).
Also in all this fiasco, I sent her another SNG thinking she did not get her b'day gift. So looking fwd to one more letter next week ;)
So the SNG details first - 
"Child or family's comments on SNG - Yulissa says - 'Thank you sponsor for all the support that you give me, I did love to meet you someday and personally thank you for all this.'
Benefits to the family - It is of great help since the mother is only working twice a week so it's a great support for Yulissa and her family. (Yulissa father was paralysed due to some accident a year ago I believe)
And the exciting part - the actual letter - 
Dear Sponsor,
I want to thank you for all your support, it was very helpful. Thanks for caring for me; on my birthday, I had a cake and my aunt gave me a purse she made with raffia. With your donation I was able to get clothes and groceries for me and my family. Also some shampoo and some detail for my siblings. I say bye and thank you for all, goodbye for now.
Thanks for being part of my life.

Also as always, there were photos too. :)

This is not the end of it... I also got another letter from her :)
"Dear Mani
I am glad to greet you. My dad is better. On vacations I had fun with my family. By the way, I loved seeing your pictures and your friends'. I did like you to come. My siblings and my mom are fine and my little brother is fine because he is starting kindergarten. Say hello to your friends, they seem to be good persons. Goodbye and thank you so much. See you soon. 

Her drawings are a stark contrast to Nicolle.. She always prefers the light colors... I love both their drawings so much :). So here is a Yulissa's special ;)

Nicolle's latest letter Oct 2013

A good day again as I got a bunch of letters. I am also playing catch up with other letters... The first one is from Nicolle... She is such a sweetheart as always. This letter was actually written before her b'day SNG I believe. So here goes... 
"Greetings Dear Mani
I wish that when you get this letter, you are in good health. I am very happy that you like my letters and my drawings, that I did with so much affection. I tell you that my mother and my siblings, we are doing well thanks God. I will spend a happy birthday along with my family and friends. I am very happy that you sent me a photo along with your friends and that you visit your family to India, because that makes you happy. When you visit them, give my greetings to them, because I keep you in my heart too.
I say goodbye with so much affection. May God bless you today and forever.
And another good part of the letter (apart from the actual letter itself :)) is that her drawings are back. I missed her drawing in the birthday SNG reply... As always, I lover her use of dark and bold colors... See for yourself :)...
