Sunday, June 12, 2011

Welcoming Kulsum!

Kulsum is my fourth kid. Technically she is added in my account, but unofficially she is sponsored by one my wonderful friends. The best thing you can do in these cases is spread the word and hope more ppl pitch in to help the kids in need. I was satisfied when my friend volunteered to sponsor a kid. But yeah, he is lazy to fill in the details and create a new account and said he will use my account instead. He also wanted to sponsor an older kid. When I pushed him to call CI himself, he kinda asked me to select from the website instead. I did like to add that he is a lazy goose yet again (for my satisfaction). And so I selected this charming young lady - Kulsum

Kulsum is 13 years old. Thankfully she is still attending school. Her favorite subject is language and she speaks Hindi. (I am ok with Hindi and hence I can communicate with her easily :)). Her favorite pass time is playing with dolls just like any other girl I guess. She is interested in drawing and she washes the dishes at home. She lives with her parents. The family income is a meager 132$ and that is so because both their parents work. Dad is a brick layer and mom is a daily worker. She has a beautiful sister Rukaiya, who is 11 years old. I have no idea if she is sponsored or not. Maybe in future I will sponsor her. She just has one multi-use room and a kitchen for a home. The house is of brick walls, tile roof and concrete floor. They have an earthen stove. There is only one bed and I believe Kulsum and her sister shares it. Though electricity is available, the water is from a public storage cistern and they only have a community latrine. I really hope the sponsorship could improve their living. I know my friend will do everything in his power to help. God Bless...

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