Yulissa's record was also updated along with her new photo. It is just that I missed it like everything else when I went to India (April 2012). So I thought I will update it at least now... She has definitely grown for sure... She has grown 5 inches in a year to 4"7'. She is weighing 100 pounds (which from her health report says she is in second level of obesity and treated for it)... She has added Grammar and Science to her favorite subjects apart from Mathematics... That explains how she gets 10/10 in all her subjects. She likes everything... :)... Her fav pass times are playing with dolls, toys and cars (:)) and her hobbies include sports and drawing (which is very good at )... The happiest news is that her income has really increased well. It was 233$ last time and it has jumped to 400$ which I am very happy to hear. Considering the fact that her dad is not well currently, the extra income is a real boost to them now. She is one of the sweetest kids I know and I wish she gets everything she wants in her life.. I will do my best to make it happen :)